Miranda Bellamy
Walk Through The Fall
19 April - 7 May 2019
''Walk Through the Fall'', Miranda Bellamy (Olga)The first work that drew me in was a large photograph of a pale blue orb against a black background. It looked almost like a planetary body, but not quite. In close proximity to the blue orb and running along the side wall were a suite of smaller photographs depicting what looked like white carved forms, also against a black background. But there was a limpid, almost translucent quality to the forms that resisted the solidity and weight of stone. I could tell you what the pale blue orb and white sculptural forms ''really are'', but instead I encourage you to visit the gallery, spend time with the photographs, and read the accessible catalogues that accompany the exhibition.
The photographic works are augmented by curvilinear black vinyl adhesives on the left side of the wall and a video work leaning against this same wall. Together these various elements cohere to not so much tell a story, but provide an insight into what it meant for this artist to inhabit a dissonant body. The ''fall'' of the title is the fall of one gender for another. ''Walk Through the Fall'' documents aspects of how Max Bellamy transitioned to become Miranda Bellamy. Although Miranda Bellamy's transition is relatively recent, the exhibition manages to be at once aesthetically beautiful and generous with what can only be a difficult and deeply personal experience. Robyn Maree Pickens, Otago Daily Times, May 2 2019